Saturday, May 30, 2009

The First Meal

I only had the chance to gather a few kitchen essentials yesterday during the whole move (I will, no doubt, be getting the rest of my loot today and tomorrow). So my first meal in Bee Street was a few degrees less than glamorous, yet still delicious! My little red rice-maker-that-could is a small gift from the culinary gods for busy people. I threw some brown rice in the bottom pot, added some cut up yellow pepper, carrots, and broccoli to the attached steamer (genius addition to the rice making functions of this little piece of glory). I got in the shower and came out with a hot dish ready for me to devour. Add some soy sauce that was left behind from the last tenant (a good friend) and voila! Dinner is served.
I accompanied it with a Sea Dog Raspberry Wheat Ale--after all I had a hard day of moving!
Some boxes are still laying around the apartment, some empty which have no place to be stored and some not so empty that are begging to be unpacked.
In fact I think I can hear my magnetic spice rack yelling to be taken out of the Whole Foods reusable bag and be replaced in their rightful position on the front of my refrigerator.

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